Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer begins!

Life recently:

We packed up our lives to be at Saranac YL camp for a month.
This distracted me while packing:

We arrived at Saranac!

Mini-Ricky Chase.

Cate's friend Brently, otherwise known as mini-Jimmy Passion.

Cate's friend Maddie.

Cate, Maddie & Cici.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Quick update...

This is what has been going on.
And this is why it has been almost a month since I last blogged.

These things have also been going on.


Dad gets home from 3 days out of town.

Two grandma's visit for Cate's dedication!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Proof that babies are not always cute.

Ok so this idea has been in my head for months, and here it is.
I know it's hard to believe, but Cate isn't always the adorable little girl that I lead you all to believe she is...

You can kind of see the sideburns she was born with...not so cute.
Also her eyes were real squinty...not cute either.

There were several weeks where she was cross-eyed most of the time.

Baby acne & peely skin! Definitely not cute.

Photo-shoot frustration & impatience.

I think the rest speak for themselves...

Of course I think Cate is the cutest child in the world...even in her less than flattering moments.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cate loves Uncle Matty

Cate had some quality time with Matty a couple weeks ago.

Cate's Six Months Old!

Oops, I didn't take any pictures today, other than one on my phone. Totally meant to, but when you have a six month old -- who is eating real food like sweet potatoes & carrots by the way, getting to the grocery store (20 minutes away) is an all day event which left no time for a photo shoot.
I do have some recent pictures from a couple weeks ago when the Covell's came for a visit. That will be a separate post, but here are some of her most current photos.

cate playing the i-piano.

first bite of sweet potato.
i accidentally got "organic white sweet potato" which is why it's not orange.

cate & uncle matty.

oops, that's not cate.